UVC LED Webinars

Check out these highly informative on-demand webinars to learn about deep UV (UVC) LEDs for disinfection, water quality monitoring, and other applications.


This special webinar series provides answers to common questions about water, surface, and air disinfection and designing with UVC LEDs.

Presented by Rajul Randive,应用工程总监和凯文kahn,Application Engineer


Deep UV LEDs - Enabling Innovations in Disinfection

With a growing need for healthier living, cleaner environments, and access to safe drinking water comes a greater demand for new disinfection methods that can ensure safer communities. OEMs have the opportunity to address such market trends by adding disinfection to their product lines with UVC LED technology. By watching this webinar, you'll learn more about these trends, how deep UV LEDs can enable innovation, and the top four things to know about designing with UVC LEDs.

由Mark Pizzuto提出,全球产品管​​理总监- Disinfectionand Rajul Randive,应用工程总监


UVC LED的杀菌力量 - 一种系统的方法

As UVC LED gain traction in disinfection applications, high volume manufacturers are requesting a systematic method for specification of germicidal power output. In this webinar we discuss an approach to this request by focusing on the germicidal efficacy of UVC power as a function of wavelength and on what is meant by "germicidal power".

Presented by Rajul Randive,应用工程总监


使用UVC LED消毒的基础知识

The use of UV light for disinfection is gaining popularity over chemical disinfection in a variety of industries including healthcare, consumer products, food & beverage, and lab water. The increased popularity is driven in part by the availability of high performance UVC LEDs which show progress in power output and device lifetime. UVC LEDs provide designers with a more effective germicidal light source; more design flexibility, which leads to more optimized systems; and reduced cost of ownership for the end user. In this webinar, we will discuss the basics of UVC LEDs and their benefits over other methods of disinfection; the basics of UV disinfection (including log reduction and dosage requirements); and common target microbes for these applications. Examples will be provided for both low flow water disinfection and surface disinfection applications.

Presented by Rajul Randive,应用工程总监


UVC LEDs in Pharmaceuticals, Life Sciences and Healthcare

High performances UVC LEDs are increasingly replacing traditional UV light sources such as deuterium and xenon flash lamps in a range of sensors and instruments used in the health industries. Benefits of using UVC LEDs in system and ownership costs, performance, response times, and portability will be highlighted. This webinar will also provide examples of how absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy with UVC LEDs is used in pharmaceutical manufacturing, clinical labs, and healthcare centers. Finally, this webinar will provide an introductory guide to UVC light source selection, drive current optimization, and thermal management.

由Hari Venugopalan提出,全球产品管​​理总监


用于生物膜预防和生物污垢控制的UVC LED

生物膜和/或生物污染影响许多行业的一系列系统和组件,从生物处理设备到管道和冷却塔以及沿海和海洋环境中使用的任何仪器或传感器。由于传统方法的相对无效或环境问题,公司正在寻求替代解决生物膜和生物污染预防措施。UVC范围的辐射为250-280nm,可以预防生物膜形成,最近的高性能UVC LED的出现导致几种应用中的LED采用增加。该网络研讨会讨论了使用UV LED在传统方法上使用UV LED的益处,并提出了使用光学仿真在设计中使用LED。

由Hari Venugopalan提出,全球产品管​​理总监


Real Time Process Monitoring with UVC LEDs

The recent emergence of high performance UVC LEDs is leading to increasing LED adoption in real-time process monitoring. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy with UVC LEDs can be used to drive insight into processes in the water treatment, pharmaceutical manufacturing, environmental monitoring and healthcare industries. This webinar will provide examples of how UVC LEDs can be used to control and optimize processes, schedule maintenance, meet regulatory requirements and drive continuous process improvement. The role of LED parameters such as light output, spectral quality, duty cycle and lifetime in sensor performance and cost of ownership will be discussed.

由Hari Venugopalan提出,全球产品管​​理总监


Designing with UVC LEDs in Life Sciences & Analytical Instruments

最近的高性能UVC LED的出现导致几种分析和生命科学仪表应用中的LED采用越来越高。该网络研讨会将提供有关如何在仪器应用中使用UVC LED的逐步指南,从水质到HPLC。覆盖的主题将包括光源选择(波长,观察角度,光输出),驱动电流优化,热管理提示等。此外,将提供对LED终身概念的介绍。任何寻找在仪表应用中使用UVC LED的介绍的人都可以受益。

由Hari Venugopalan提出,全球产品管​​理总监


UVC LED在光谱仪器中的优点

最近的高性能UVC LED的出现导致在几种分析和生命科学仪表应用中增加了LED采用。在本网络研讨会中,我们将讨论使用UVC LED在氘,汞和氙闪光灯上使用UVC LED的一般益处。优点包括更好的性能,易用性,降低成本(初始和持续成本)和设计自由。此外,将突出使用诸如水质监测,臭氧监测和DNA浓度测量等特定应用中的UVC LED的优点。最后,将对蓝宝石基板上的UVC LED进行比较UVC LED在氮化铝基板上的性能和可靠性。

由Hari Venugopalan提出,全球产品管​​理总监


Addressing Environmental Regulatory Trends with UVC LEDs and UVC LED-based Sensors

Global environmental concerns over water and air pollution are leading to new regulations that require real-time monitoring and detection of lower concentrations of compounds. Furthermore, additional compounds are being brought under regulatory control. This webinar will provide examples of how LEDs can be used to develop cost-effective sensors in monitoring applications such as water quality in treated wastewater, ballast water in ships, ozone emissions in cities and benzene emissions in chemical refineries. In addition, environmental regulations restricting the use of toxic chemicals in biofouling control and mercury lamps in sensors are leading to the adoption of LEDs which will also be discussed. Besides system and ownership costs, the benefits of using UVC LEDs in enhancing performance, response times and portability will be highlighted.

由Hari Venugopalan提出,全球产品管​​理总监
